Some of the different types of glass (Reflex gauge glass, Heat proof glass, etc.) used widely around Europe

 Reflex gauge glass

The Reflex Level Gauge is a direct level gauge that is applied in the containers and steam boiler applications. It is fabricated to provide a safe and positive indication of the level of liquid in vessels operating under high pressure and temperature conditions. It has rigor molded prismatic grooves engraved on the inner surface. This surface comes in contact with the liquid which results in the light hitting on the glass portion being refracted. Due to the refraction, the glass portion covered by the liquid in reflex gauge glass looks black and the glass portion which is covered by the vapor space looks silvery white. This creates a clear and acute lining in the liquid diminishing any chances of error in reading.

Heatproof glass

We all know that the sun’s ultraviolet rays prove to be harmful if you are constantly exposed to them. A majority of people uses all kind of products and items to protect ourselves from the rays like sunscreen lotions and umbrellas, but have you ever wondered how do you protect yourself indoors? It is impractical to wall up every corner because of the need for ventilation. Hence, the only way to save yourself from UV rays is to install heatproof glass for windows. This variant of glass also assist in regulating the temperature of the building like keeping it cool during the day time and using this glass will also help protect the building structure itself. There are several sub-categories of heatproof glass that are rampant in the market.

Glass Tubing

Tubing made of glass, silica, borosilicate, flint glass, and fused quartz, in a different diameters and lengths, generally used for passage of heated gases or liquids that includes standard wall tubing, and combustion tubes. The dimensionality of the glass tube are always managed by several factors like the temperature of glass, the rate of draw, and the relative dimensions of the bell and ring. If you are looking to cut the glass tube, hold the particular glass tube in one hand. Hold the tungsten carbide knife in a vertical position with another hand. Afterwards, you should place the glass tubing amidst your thumb and knife, holding horizontally with a firm hand and close to your body for support and stability.

Custom made glass

There are several types of custom made glass you can use when plan to build house or any building. Ensuring the type of glass enables you to consider various factors like design, prevent thermal stress breakage, and ensure overall strength.

.Annealed Glass


The manufacturing of annealed glass include a specific glass-cooling process. It does not have the strength of tempered glass, and therefore is not used when safety is a concern.


.Tempered Glass


Tempered glass is generally referred to as toughened glass, as it takes annealed glass and makes it stronger by heating approximately 700 degree Celsius, and then force cools it an accelerated rate.


.Heat-Strengthened Glass


The process of making this type of glass is somewhat similar to tempered glass, excluding the cooling process to become slower, resulting in a lower surface compression.

Heatproof Glass

Heat proof glass has numerous engineering, scientific and industrial applications.  In sheet form the heat proof glass means that it is excellent for sight windows, observations ports, furnace panels and similar. In tubular form the heat proof glass can be manipulated into various forms mainly for scientific applications.  Heat proof ca also be molded into various forms.

Additionally heat proof glass can be coated and there are various coatings that can be applied to the glass for filtering UV light  etc

For more info:- Pressed Glass

Flow Indicators


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